On Saturday, February 9th, Beta Con was held in Virginia Beach, where Galileo’s Beta Club students participated in various competitions. Among them were sophomores Gana Alababseh and Lamar Alazzam, who reflected on their experiences at the event.
Alazzam competed in the digital portfolio competition and secured an impressive 3rd place. Alababseh participated in the speech competition delivering a strong performance despite not placing. Both students agreed that the most difficult part of the competition was time management. If given the chance to go back, they would try to be more prepared in their free time
When the students weren’t competing they would eat, shopping and socialize with their friends Gana and Lamar said their favorite part of the trip was trying to find who toilet papered their room and their funniest moment was when they went to the beach when it was very cold overall the girls and everyone else had an amazing time and they all did great in their competitions.
Overall, Galileo’s Beta Club members had an exciting and rewarding experience at Beta Con, showcasing their talents and hard work throughout the competition.