The Chipotle Fundraiser was a success! Around 70 people attended Chipotle, where they ate under Galileo’s name. “I didn’t have a goal,” said Ashley Murphy, The head of Beta Club. Chipotle gave Galileo 20% of the money if you mentioned Galileo Magnet High School when purchasing your food. Fundraisers like this help Beta Club make events happen and create opportunities for students, like the blood drives and the upcoming Betacon trip.
The Chipotle Fundraiser started after school at 4 pm until 8 pm on Wednesday. Some Beta club members like, Amirah Warner and Danilu Acevedo-Garcia, stayed the whole time. “I thought the food was good,” said Baylee French, a teacher at Galileo. She also was delighted with how impressive it was for the staff at Chipotle to work under pressure with 70+ customers. Good job Chipotle!